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Eldo 2.5 Day Wrap-up

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Captain TJ Schlick called in this morning with an audio update from the the Eldorado out of Long Beach Sportfishing... more »

TJ Schlick

Eldorado AM Update

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Captain TJ Schlick called in this morning with an audio update from the Eldorado out of Long Beach Sportfishing at... more »

TJ Schlick

OK Day

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Captain TJ Schlick called in this afternoon with a wrap-up from the Eldorado out of Long Beach Sportfishing at Berth... more »

TJ Schlick
  • - - Captain Eddie on the Eldorado is running a special 2 day trip to San Nicholas Island. Click here for... more »
  • - Special Eldorado Trip Scheduled for departing on April 11th - The Eldorado has a 2 Day trip with the crew from BAJA FISH GEAR departing on Friday night April 11 at... more »
  • - - TRIP UPDATE!!! Figure out your transportation! It is time for the Eldorado with Captain Eddie Moreno to come back to... more »
  • - - The Eldorado with Captain Eddie Moreno departs on a 1.5 trip from Point Loma Sportfishing tonight at 10:00pm and returns... more »
  • - - HOT WEEKEND 1.5 TRIP!!! ELDORADO has a 1.5 trip leaving Friday 9/21 at 10pm and back Sunday 9/23 6am for... more »
  • - - ULTRA LIMITED LOAD!!! The Eldorado, with Captain Eddie Moreno, has a two day ultra limited load private charter trip that... more »
  • - - Check it out! It's Eddie Squared. Yeah that's right Captain Eddie Moreno and SFR's Eddie Ylanan. The... more »
  • - - DON'T MISS THIS TRIP!!! ELDORADO still have 10 spots open on a 2-day trip leaving tonight at 10pm. Cost is... more »
  • - - FANTASTIC TRIP!!! We had a successful SFR Charter trip. Captain Eddie Moreno & his crew did a good job.... more »
  • - Fabulous Albacore Fishing on the Eldorado - This is the first time that I fished on the Eldorado. I finally met Captain Eddie Moreno in person. I... more »

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