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Santa barbra island

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The weather was up, so we were unable to get to San Nicholas Island so we stopped short and fish.... more »

TJ Schlick

Ahuevo Sponsored Trip

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We ended up fishing, San Clemente Island pretty decent day on the water where there was up a little bit... more »

TJ Schlick

San Clemente Island

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Good day today a few exotics & a few rockfish good weather and a good group of people!  I ... more »

TJ Schlick
  • - Best Day of Year - Captain TJ Schlick called in this afternoon with an update from the Eldorado out of Long Beach Sportfishing. We... more »
  • - Eldorado Final Update For Today - Capt TJ checked in as they are on their way home, we went to the west end and ran into... more »
  • - Eldorado Having Tough Time In The Wind - Capt TJ checked in from the Eldorado to report that they are 4 for 5 on the nicer grade Yellowtail... more »
  • - Eldorado Has Decent Day - Capt TJ checked in from the Eldorado as they are headed home from their trip and report that they had... more »
  • - AM Check from the Eldo - Captain TJ Schlick called in this morning with an update from the Eldorado out of Long Beach Sportfishing in Long... more »
  • - Good Yellowtail Fishing - Captain TJ Schlick called in yesterday afternoon with an update from the Eldorado out of Long Beach Sportfishing in Long... more »
  • - Sea Lions on Attack - Captain TJ Schlick called around noon yesterday. We are 0 for 8 on the Yellowtail. We hooked a... more »
  • - - Capt TJ checked in from the Eldorado as they are one the move again as they Navy decided they had... more »
  • - We are a Go! - Captain TJ Schlick called in with an update from the Eldorado out of Long Beach Sportfishing at Berth 55. ... more »
  • - Eldo PM Update - Captain TJ Schlick called in with an update from the Eldoardo out of Long Beach Sportfishing at Berth 55. ... more »

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